Pular para o conteúdo principal
Version: 2.0.1


Para construir os arquivos estáticos do seu site para produção, execute:

npm run build

Quando terminar, os arquivos estáticos serão gerados dentro do diretório build.


A única responsabilidade do Docusaurus é construir seu site e emitir arquivos estáticos na build.

Agora cabe a você escolher como hospedar esses arquivos estáticos.

Você pode fazer o deploy do seu site para serviços estáticos de hospedagem como Vercel, GitHub Pages, Netlify, Render, Surge...

Um site Docusaurus é renderizado estaticamente e geralmente pode funcionar sem JavaScript!


The following parameters are required in docusaurus.config.js to optimize routing and serve files from the correct location:

urlURL for your site. For a site deployed at https://my-org.com/my-project/, url is https://my-org.com/.
baseUrlBase URL for your project, with a trailing slash. For a site deployed at https://my-org.com/my-project/, baseUrl is /my-project/.

Testando localmente sua Construção

It is important to test your build locally before deploying it for production. Docusaurus provides a docusaurus serve command for that:

npm run serve

By default, this will load your site at http://localhost:3000/.

Configuração de barra

Docusaurus has a trailingSlash config, to allow customizing URLs/links and emitted filename patterns.

O valor padrão geralmente funciona bem. Infelizmente, cada provedor de hospedagem estática tem um comportamento diferente e implantar exatamente o mesmo site em vários hosts pode levar a resultados distintos. Dependendo do seu host, pode ser útil alterar essa configuração.


Use slorber/trailing-slash-guide para entender melhor o comportamento do seu host e configurar trailingSlash adequadamente.

Using environment variables

Putting potentially sensitive information in the environment is common practice. However, in a typical Docusaurus website, the docusaurus.config.js file is the only interface to the Node.js environment (see our architecture overview), while everything else—MDX pages, React components... are client side and do not have direct access to the process global. In this case, you can consider using customFields to pass environment variables to the client side.

// If you are using dotenv (https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotenv)

module.exports = {
title: '...',
url: process.env.URL, // You can use environment variables to control site specifics as well
customFields: {
// Put your custom environment here
teamEmail: process.env.EMAIL,
import useDocusaurusContext from '@docusaurus/useDocusaurusContext';

export default function Home() {
const {
siteConfig: {customFields},
} = useDocusaurusContext();
return <div>Contact us through {customFields.teamEmail}!</div>;

Choosing a hosting provider

There are a few common hosting options:

  • Self hosting with an HTTP server like Apache2 or Nginx;
  • Jamstack providers, e.g. Netlify and Vercel. We will use them as references, but the same reasoning can apply to other providers.
  • GitHub Pages. (By definition, it is also Jamstack, but we compare it separately.)

If you are unsure of which one to choose, ask the following questions:

How much resource (person-hours, money) am I willing to invest in this?

  • 🔴 Self-hosting is the hardest to set up—you would usually need an experienced person to manage this. Cloud services are almost never free, and setting up an on-site server and connecting it to the WAN can be even more costly.
  • 🟢 Jamstack providers can help you set up a working website in almost no time and offers features like server-side redirects that are easily configurable. Many providers offer generous build time quotas even for free plans that you would almost never exceed. However, it's still ultimately limited—you would need to pay once you hit the limit. Check the pricing page of your provider for details.
  • 🟡 The GitHub Pages deployment workflow can be tedious to set up. (Evidence: see the length of Deploying to GitHub Pages!) However, this service (including build and deployment) is always free for public repositories, and we have detailed instructions to help you make it work.
How much server-side configuration would I need?
  • 🟢 With self-hosting, you have access to the entire server's configuration. You can configure the virtual host to serve different content based on the request URL; you can do complicated server-side redirects; you can put part of the site behind authentication... If you need a lot of server-side features, self-host your website.
  • 🟡 Jamstack usually offers some server-side configurations, e.g. URLs formatting (trailing slashes), server-side redirects...
  • 🔴 GitHub Pages doesn't expose server-side configurations besides enforcing HTTPS and setting CNAME.
Do I have needs to cooperate?
  • 🟡 Self-hosted services can achieve the same effect as Netlify, but with much more heavy-lifting. Usually, you would have a specific person who looks after the deployment, and the workflow won't be very git-based as opposed to the other two options.
  • 🟢 Netlify and Vercel have deploy previews for every pull request, which is useful for a team to review work before merging to production. You can also manage a team with different member access to the deployment.
  • 🟡 GitHub Pages cannot do deploy previews in a non-convoluted way. One repo can only be associated with one site deployment. On the other hand, you can control who has write access to the site's deployment.

There isn't a silver bullet. You need to weigh your needs and resources before making a choice.


Docusaurus can be self-hosted using docusaurus serve. Muda a porta usando --port e --host para alterar o host.

npm run serve -- --build --port 80 --host

Não é a melhor opção, em comparação com um provedor de hospedagem estática / CDN.


In the following sections, we will introduce a few common hosting providers and how they should be configured to deploy Docusaurus sites most efficiently. Some of the writeups are provided by external contributors. Docusaurus is not interest-related with any of the services. The documentation may not be up-to-date: recent changes in their API may not be reflected on our side. If you see outdated content, PRs are welcome.

For the same concern of up-to-datedness, we have stopped accepting PRs adding new hosting options. You can, however, publish your writeup on a separate site (e.g. your blog, or the provider's official website), and ask us to include a link to your writeup.

Fazendo deploy no Netlify

Para publicar seus sites Docusaurus 2 no Netlify, primeiro certifique-se de que as seguintes opções estão configuradas corretamente:

module.exports = {
url: 'https://docusaurus-2.netlify.app', // Url to your site with no trailing slash
baseUrl: '/', // Base directory of your site relative to your repo
// ...

Em seguida, crie o seu site com Netlify.

Enquanto você configura o site, especifique os comandos de compilação e os diretórios da seguinte forma:

  • comando de construção: npm run build
  • publish directory: build

If you did not configure these build options, you may still go to "Site settings" -> "Build & deploy" after your site is created.

Once properly configured with the above options, your site should deploy and automatically redeploy upon merging to your deploy branch, which defaults to main.


Some Docusaurus sites put the docs folder outside of website (most likely former Docusaurus v1 sites):

repo           # git root
├── docs # MD files
└── website # Docusaurus root

If you decide to use the website folder as Netlify's base directory, Netlify will not trigger builds when you update the docs folder, and you need to configure a custom ignore command:

ignore = "git diff --quiet $CACHED_COMMIT_REF $COMMIT_REF . ../docs/"

Por padrão, o Netlify adiciona barras de rastreamento às URLs do Docusaurus.

It is recommended to disable the Netlify setting Post Processing > Asset Optimization > Pretty Urls to prevent lowercased URLs, unnecessary redirects, and 404 errors.

** Tenha muito cuidado**: a caixa de seleção global Desativar otimização de ativos está quebrada e realmente não desativa a configuração de Pretty URLs na prática. Certifique-se de desmarcá-lo manualmente.

Se você quer manter as Pretty Urls Netlify configurado, ajuste adequadamente a trailingSlash configuração do Docusaurus.

Consulte slorber/trailing-slash-guide para obter mais informações.

Publicando no Vercel

Fazer o deploy do seu projeto Docusaurus no Vercel irá proporcionar vários benefícios nas áreas de desempenho e facilidade de uso.

To deploy your Docusaurus project with a Vercel for Git Integration, make sure it has been pushed to a Git repository.

Importe o projeto para Vercel utilizando o Import Flow. Durante a importação, você encontrará todas as opções relevantes pré-configuradas para você; no entanto, você pode optar por alterar qualquer uma dessas opções, uma lista das quais pode ser encontrada aqui.

After your project has been imported, all subsequent pushes to branches will generate Preview Deployments, and all changes made to the Production Branch (usually "main" or "master") will result in a Production Deployment.

Implantando no GitHub Pages

Docusaurus provides an easy way to publish to GitHub Pages, which comes for free with every GitHub repository.

Visão Geral

Usually, there are two repositories (at least, two branches) involved in a publishing process: the branch containing the source files, and the branch containing the build output to be served with GitHub Pages. In the following tutorial, they will be referred to as "source" and "deployment", respectively.

Each GitHub repository is associated with a GitHub Pages service. If the deployment repository is called my-org/my-project (where my-org is the organization name or username), the deployed site will appear at https://my-org.github.io/my-project/. Specially, if the deployment repository is called my-org/my-org.github.io (the organization GitHub Pages repo), the site will appear at https://my-org.github.io/.


Caso você queira usar seu domínio personalizado no GitHub Pages, crie um arquivo CNAME no diretório static. Qualquer coisa dentro do diretório static será copiada para a raiz do diretório build para fazer o deploy. When using a custom domain, you should be able to move back from baseUrl: '/projectName/' to baseUrl: '/', and also set your url to your custom domain.

Você pode consultar a documentação Usuário, Organização e Páginas do Projeto das Páginas do GitHub para mais detalhes.

GitHub Pages picks up deploy-ready files (the output from docusaurus build) from the default branch (master / main, usually) or the gh-pages branch, and either from the root or the /docs folder. You can configure that through Settings > Pages in your repository. This branch will be called the "deployment branch".

We provide a docusaurus deploy command that helps you deploy your site from the source branch to the deployment branch in one command: clone, build, and commit.

configurações docusaurus.config.js

First, modify your docusaurus.config.js and add the following params:

organizationNameThe GitHub user or organization that owns the deployment repository.
projectNameThe name of the deployment repository.
deploymentBranchThe name of deployment branch. Defaults to 'gh-pages' for non-organization GitHub Pages repos (projectName not ending in .github.io). Otherwise, this needs to be explicit as a config field or environment variable.

These fields also have their environment variable counterparts, which have a higher priority: ORGANIZATION_NAME, PROJECT_NAME, and DEPLOYMENT_BRANCH.


O GitHub Pages adiciona uma barra à direita nas URLs do Docusaurus por padrão. É recomendável definir uma configuração do trailingSlash (true ou false, e não undefined).


module.exports = {
// ...
url: 'https://endiliey.github.io', // Your website URL
baseUrl: '/',
projectName: 'endiliey.github.io',
organizationName: 'endiliey',
trailingSlash: false,
// ...

Por padrão, o GitHub Pages executa arquivos publicados através do Jekyll. Como o Jekyll descartará todos os arquivos que começam com _, é recomendado que você desative o Jekyll adicionando um arquivo vazio chamado .nojekyll no seu diretório static.

Configurações de ambiente

USE_SSHDefina como true para usar SSH em vez do HTTPS padrão para conexão com o repositório do GitHub. If the source repo URL is an SSH URL (e.g. git@github.com:facebook/docusaurus.git), USE_SSH is inferred to be true.
GIT_USERThe username for a GitHub account that has push access to the deployment repo. Para seus próprios repositórios, este geralmente será o seu nome de usuário do GitHub. Required if not using SSH, and ignored otherwise.
GIT_PASSPersonal access token of the git user (specified by GIT_USER), to facilitate non-interactive deployment (e.g. continuous deployment)
CURRENT_BRANCHThe source branch. Usually, the branch will be main or master, but it could be any branch except for gh-pages. If nothing is set for this variable, then the current branch from which docusaurus deploy is invoked will be used.

As instalações corporativas do GitHub devem funcionar da mesma maneira que o github.com; você só precisa definir o host GitHub Enterprise da organização como uma variável de ambiente:

GITHUB_HOSTO nome de domínio do seu site corporativo GitHub.
GITHUB_PORTA porta do seu site corporativo GitHub.


Finalmente, para fazer o deploy do seu site no GitHub Pages, execute:


Beginning in August 2021, GitHub requires every command-line sign-in to use the personal access token instead of the password. When GitHub prompts for your password, enter the PAT instead. See the GitHub documentation for more information.

Alternatively, you can use SSH (USE_SSH=true) to log in.

Desencadeando deploy com GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions permite que você autentique, personalize e execute seus fluxos de trabalho de desenvolvimento de software diretamente no seu repositório.

The workflow examples below assume your website source resides in the main branch of your repository (the source branch is main), and your publishing source is configured for the gh-pages branch (the deployment branch is gh-pages).

Our goal is that:

  1. When a new pull request is made to main, there's an action that ensures the site builds successfully, without actually deploying. This job will be called test-deploy.
  2. When a pull request is merged to the main branch or someone pushes to the main branch directly, it will be built and deployed to the gh-pages branch. After that, the new build output will be served on the GitHub Pages site. This job will be called deploy.

Here are two approaches to deploying your docs with GitHub Actions. Based on the location of your deployment branch (gh-pages), choose the relevant tab below:

  • Source repo and deployment repo are the same repository.
  • The deployment repo is a remote repository, different from the source.

While you can have both jobs defined in the same workflow file, the original deploy workflow will always be listed as skipped in the PR check suite status, which is not communicative of the actual status and provides no value to the review process. We therefore propose to manage them as separate workflows instead.

We will use a popular third-party deployment action: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages.

GitHub action files

Add these two workflow files:

Tweak the parameters for your setup

These files assume you are using Yarn. If you use npm, change cache: yarn, yarn install --frozen-lockfile, yarn build to cache: npm, npm ci, npm run build accordingly.

If your Docusaurus project is not at the root of your repo, you may need to configure a default working directory, and adjust the paths accordingly.

name: Deploy to GitHub Pages

- main
# Review gh actions docs if you want to further define triggers, paths, etc
# https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#on

name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: 18
cache: yarn

- name: Install dependencies
run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile
- name: Build website
run: yarn build

# Popular action to deploy to GitHub Pages:
# Docs: https://github.com/peaceiris/actions-gh-pages#%EF%B8%8F-docusaurus
- name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# Build output to publish to the `gh-pages` branch:
publish_dir: ./build
# The following lines assign commit authorship to the official
# GH-Actions bot for deploys to `gh-pages` branch:
# https://github.com/actions/checkout/issues/13#issuecomment-724415212
# The GH actions bot is used by default if you didn't specify the two fields.
# You can swap them out with your own user credentials.
user_name: github-actions[bot]
user_email: 41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com
name: Test deployment

- main
# Review gh actions docs if you want to further define triggers, paths, etc
# https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#on

name: Test deployment
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: 18
cache: yarn

- name: Install dependencies
run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile
- name: Test build website
run: yarn build
Site not deployed properly?

After pushing to main, if you don't see your site published at the desired location (for example, it says "There isn't a GitHub Pages site here", or it's showing your repo's README.md file), check the following:

  • It may take a few minutes for GitHub pages to pick up the new files, so wait for about 3 minutes and refresh before concluding it isn't working.
  • On your repo's landing page, you should see a little green tick next to the last commit's title, indicating the CI has passed. If you see a cross, it means the build or deployment failed, and you should check the log for more debugging information.
  • Click on the tick and make sure your see a "Deploy to GitHub Pages" workflow. Names like "pages build and deployment / deploy" are GitHub's default workflows, indicating your custom deployment workflow failed to be triggered at all. Make sure the YAML files are put under the .github/workflows folder, and the trigger condition is set correctly (for example, if your default branch is "master" instead of "main", you need to change the on.push property).
  • We are using gh-pages as the deployment branch. Under your repo's Settings > Pages, make sure the "Source" (which is the source for the deployment files, not "source" as in our terminology) is set to "gh-pages" + "/ (root)".
  • If you are using a custom domain, make sure the DNS record is pointing to the GitHub pages servers' IP.

Desencadeando deploy com Travis CI

Continuous integration (CI) services are typically used to perform routine tasks whenever new commits are checked in to source control. These tasks can be any combination of running unit tests and integration tests, automating builds, publishing packages to npm, and deploying changes to your website. All you need to do to automate the deployment of your website is to invoke the yarn deploy script whenever your website is updated. The following section covers how to do just that using Travis CI, a popular continuous integration service provider.

  1. Vá para https://github.com/settings/tokens e gere um novo token de acesso pessoal. Ao criar o token, conceda o escopo do repositório para que ele tenha as permissões de que precisa.
  2. Usando sua conta do GitHub, adicione o aplicativo Travis CI ao repositório que você deseja ativar.
  3. Abra seu painel do Travis CI. The URL looks like https://travis-ci.com/USERNAME/REPO, and navigate to the More options > Setting > Environment Variables section of your repository.
  4. Crie uma nova variável de ambiente chamada GH_TOKEN com seu token recém-gerado como seu valor, em seguida GH_EMAIL (seu endereço de e-mail) e GH_NAME (seu nome de usuário GitHub).
  5. Crie um .travis.yml na raiz do seu repositório com o seguinte:
language: node_js
- 18
- main
yarn: true
- git config --global user.name "${GH_NAME}"
- git config --global user.email "${GH_EMAIL}"
- echo "machine github.com login ${GH_NAME} password ${GH_TOKEN}" > ~/.netrc
- yarn install
- GIT_USER="${GH_NAME}" yarn deploy

Now, whenever a new commit lands in main, Travis CI will run your suite of tests and if everything passes, your website will be deployed via the yarn deploy script.

Desencadeando deploy com o Buddy

Buddy is an easy-to-use CI/CD tool that allows you to automate the deployment of your portal to different environments, including GitHub Pages.

Follow these steps to create a pipeline that automatically deploys a new version of your website whenever you push changes to the selected branch of your project:

  1. Vá para https://github.com/settings/tokens e gere um novo token de acesso pessoal. Ao criar o token, conceda o escopo do repositório para que ele tenha as permissões de que precisa.
  2. Acesse sua conta do Buddy e crie um novo projeto.
  3. Escolha o GitHub como seu provedor de hospedagem git e selecione o repositório com o código do seu site.
  4. Usando o painel de navegação da esquerda, mude para a exibição de pipelines.
  5. Crie uma nova pipeline. Defina o seu nome, defina o modo de trigger como On push, e selecione o branch que aciona a execução do pipeline.
  6. Adicione uma ação Node.js.
  7. Add these commands in the action's terminal:
git config --global user.email "<YOUR_GH_EMAIL>"
git config --global user.name "<YOUR_GH_USERNAME>"
yarn deploy

After creating this simple pipeline, each new commit pushed to the branch you selected deploys your website to GitHub Pages using yarn deploy. Read this guide to learn more about setting up a CI/CD pipeline for Docusaurus.

Usando Pipelines da Azure

  1. Cadastre-se em Azure Pipelines se você ainda não o fez.
  2. Create an organization. Within the organization, create a project and connect your repository from GitHub.
  3. Vá para https://github.com/settings/tokens e gere um novo token de acesso pessoal com o escopo repositório.
  4. In the project page (which looks like https://dev.azure.com/ORG_NAME/REPO_NAME/_build), create a new pipeline with the following text. Além disso, clique em editar e adicione uma nova variável de ambiente chamada GH_TOKEN com seu token recém-gerado como seu valor, em seguida GH_EMAIL (seu endereço de e-mail) e GH_NAME (seu nome de usuário GitHub). Certifique-se de marcá-los como secretos. Como alternativa, você também pode adicionar um arquivo chamado azure-pipelines.yml na sua raiz do repositório.
- main

vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- checkout: self
persistCredentials: true

- task: NodeTool@0
versionSpec: '18'
displayName: Install Node.js

- script: |
git config --global user.name "${GH_NAME}"
git config --global user.email "${GH_EMAIL}"
git checkout -b main
echo "machine github.com login ${GH_NAME} password ${GH_TOKEN}" > ~/.netrc
yarn install
GIT_USER="${GH_NAME}" yarn deploy
displayName: Install and build

Usando o Drone

  1. Create a new SSH key that will be the deploy key for your project.
  2. Name your private and public keys to be specific and so that it does not overwrite your other SSH keys.
  3. Go to https://github.com/USERNAME/REPO/settings/keys and add a new deploy key by pasting in the public key you just generated.
  4. Open your Drone.io dashboard and log in. O URL se parece com https://cloud.drone.io/USERNAME/REPO.
  5. Clique no repositório, clique em ativar repositório e adicione um segredo chamado git_deploy_private_key com o valor da sua chave privada que você acabou de gerar.
  6. Create a .drone.yml on the root of your repository with the below text.
kind: pipeline
type: docker
- tag
- name: Website
image: node
- mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh
- ssh-keyscan -t rsa github.com >> $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts
- echo "$GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY" > "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa"
- chmod 0600 $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
- cd website
- yarn install
- yarn deploy
USE_SSH: true
from_secret: git_deploy_private_key

Now, whenever you push a new tag to GitHub, this trigger will start the drone CI job to publish your website.

Deploying to Koyeb

Koyeb is a developer-friendly serverless platform to deploy apps globally. The platform lets you seamlessly run Docker containers, web apps, and APIs with git-based deployment, native autoscaling, a global edge network, and built-in service mesh and discovery. Check out the Koyeb's Docusaurus deployment guide to get started.

Deploying to Render

Render offers free static site hosting with fully managed SSL, custom domains, a global CDN, and continuous auto-deploy from your Git repo. Get started in just a few minutes by following Render's guide to deploying Docusaurus.

Deploying to Qovery

Qovery is a fully-managed cloud platform that runs on your AWS, Digital Ocean, and Scaleway account where you can host static sites, backend APIs, databases, cron jobs, and all your other apps in one place.

  1. Cria uma conta no Qovery. Visite o Painel Qovery para criar uma conta, caso você ainda não tenha uma.
  2. Create a project.
    • Clique em Criar projeto e dê um nome ao seu projeto.
    • Clique em Próximo.
  3. Create a new environment.
    • Clique em Criar ambiente e dar um nome (por exemplo, staging, produção).
  4. Add an application.
    • Clique em Criar um aplicativo, dê um nome e selecione seu repositório GitHub ou GitLab onde seu aplicativo Docusaurus está localizado.
    • Define o nome da ramificação principal e o caminho da aplicação raiz.
    • Clique em Criar. Depois que o aplicativo for criado:
    • Navegue para Configurações da sua aplicação
    • Selecione Porta
    • Adicionar a porta usada pelo aplicativo Docusaurus
  5. Deploy All you have to do now is to navigate to your application and click on Deploy.

Deploy the app

That's it. Watch the status and wait till the app is deployed. To open the application in your browser, click on Action and Open in your application overview.

Deploying to Hostman

Hostman allows you to host static websites for free. Hostman automates everything, you just need to connect your repository and follow easy steps:

  1. Create a service.

    To deploy a Docusaurus static website, click Create in the top-left corner of your Dashboard and choose Front-end app or static website.

  2. Select the project to deploy.

    If you are logged in to Hostman with your GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket account, at this point you will see the repository with your projects, including the private ones.

    Choose the project you want to deploy. It must contain the directory with the project's files (e.g. website).

    To access a different repository, click Connect another repository.

    If you didn't use your Git account credentials to log in, you'll be able to access the necessary account now, and then select the project.

  3. Configure the build settings.

    Next, the Website customization window will appear. Choose the Static website option from the list of frameworks.

    The Directory with app points at the directory that will contain the project's files after the build. You can leave it empty if during Step 2 you selected the repository with the contents of the website (or my_website) directory.

    O comando padrão de construção do Docusaurus será:

    npm run build

    You can modify the build command if needed. You can enter multiple commands separated by &&.

  4. Deploy.

    Click Deploy to start the build process.

    Once it starts, you will enter the deployment log. Se houver quaisquer problemas com o código, você receberá mensagens de aviso ou erro no log, especificando a causa do problema. Usually, the log contains all the debugging data you'll need.

    When the deployment is complete, you will receive an email notification and also see a log entry. All done! Your project is up and ready.

Deploying to Surge

Surge is a static web hosting platform, it is used to deploy your Docusaurus project from the command line in a minute. Deploying your project to Surge is easy and it is also free (including a custom domain and SSL).

Deploy your app in a matter of seconds using surge with the following steps:

  1. First, install Surge using npm by running the following command:
    npm install -g surge
  2. To build the static files of your site for production in the root directory of your project, run:
    npm run build
  3. Then, run this command inside the root directory of your project:
    surge build/

First-time users of Surge would be prompted to create an account from the command line (which happens only once).

Confirm that the site you want to publish is in the build directory, a randomly generated subdomain *.surge.sh subdomain is always given (which can be edited).

Usando seu domínio

If you have a domain name you can deploy your site using surge to your domain using the command:

surge build/ your-domain.com

Your site is now deployed for free at subdomain.surge.sh or your-domain.com depending on the method you chose.

Configurando o arquivo CNAME

Store your domain in a CNAME file for future deployments with the following command:

echo subdomain.surge.sh > CNAME

You can deploy any other changes in the future with the command surge.

Deploying to QuantCDN

  1. Install Quant CLI
  2. Create a QuantCDN account by signing up
  3. Initialize your project with quant init and fill in your credentials:
    quant init
  4. Deploy your site.
    quant deploy

See docs and blog for more examples and use cases for deploying to QuantCDN.

Deploying to Layer0

Layer0 is an all-in-one platform to develop, deploy, preview, experiment on, monitor, and run your headless frontend. It is focused on large, dynamic websites and best-in-class performance through EdgeJS (a JavaScript-based Content Delivery Network), predictive prefetching, and performance monitoring. Layer0 offers a free tier. Get started in just a few minutes by following Layer0's guide to deploying Docusaurus.

Deploying to Cloudflare Pages

Cloudflare Pages is a Jamstack platform for frontend developers to collaborate and deploy websites. Get started within a few minutes by following this article.

Deploying to Azure Static Web Apps

Azure Static Web Apps is a service that automatically builds and deploys full-stack web apps to Azure directly from the code repository, simplifying the developer experience for CI/CD. Static Web Apps separates the web application's static assets from its dynamic (API) endpoints. Static assets are served from globally-distributed content servers, making it faster for clients to retrieve files using servers nearby. Dynamic APIs are scaled with serverless architectures, using an event-driven functions-based approach that is more cost-effective and scales on demand. Get started in a few minutes by following this step-by-step guide.