Pular para o conteúdo principal
Version: 2.2.0

Introdução à documentação

O recurso docs fornece aos usuários uma maneira de organizar arquivos Markdown em um formato hierárquico.


Check the Docs Plugin API Reference documentation for an exhaustive list of options.

Your site's documentation is organized by four levels, from lowest to highest:

  1. Individual pages.
  2. Sidebars.
  3. Versions.
  4. Plugin instances.

The guide will introduce them in that order: starting from how individual pages can be configured, to how to create a sidebar or multiple ones, to how to create and manage versions, to how to use multiple docs plugin instances.

Modo somente documentos

A freshly initialized Docusaurus site has the following structure:

example.com/                                -> generated from `src/pages/index.js`

example.com/docs/intro -> generated from `docs/intro.md`
example.com/docs/tutorial-basics/... -> generated from `docs/tutorial-basics/...`

example.com/blog/2021/08/26/welcome -> generated from `blog/2021-08-26-welcome/index.md`
example.com/blog/2021/08/01/mdx-blog-post -> generated from `blog/2021-08-01-mdx-blog-post.mdx`

All docs will be served under the subroute docs/. But what if your site only has docs, or you want to prioritize your docs by putting them at the root?

Assume that you have the following in your configuration:

module.exports = {
// ...
presets: [
docs: {
/* docs plugin options */
blog: {
/* blog plugin options */
// ...

To enter docs-only mode, change it to like this:

module.exports = {
// ...
presets: [
docs: {
routeBasePath: '/', // Serve the docs at the site's root
/* other docs plugin options */
blog: false, // Optional: disable the blog plugin
// ...

Note that you don't necessarily have to give up on using the blog or other plugins; all that routeBasePath: '/' does is that instead of serving the docs through https://example.com/docs/some-doc, they are now at the site root: https://example.com/some-doc. The blog, if enabled, can still be accessed through the blog/ subroute.

Don't forget to put some page at the root (https://example.com/) through adding the front matter:

slug: /

This page will be the home page when users visit https://example.com/.

If you added slug: / to a doc to make it the homepage, you should delete the existing homepage at ./src/pages/index.js, or else there will be two files mapping to the same route!

Now, the site's structure will be like the following:

example.com/                       -> generated from `docs/intro.md`
example.com/tutorial-basics/... -> generated from `docs/tutorial-basics/...`

Também há um "modo somente blog" para aqueles que só querem usar o recurso do blog do Docusaurus 2. Você pode usar o mesmo método detalhado acima. Follow the setup instructions on Blog-only mode.