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Version: 3.0.0-rc.1

Références de Méthode de Plugin


Cette section est en cours de rédaction. La stabilité des liens d'ancrage ou même des URL n'est pas garantie.

Les API de plugins sont partagées par les thèmes et les plugins — les thèmes sont chargés comme les plugins.

Plugin module

Chaque plugin est importé en tant que module. Le module devrait avoir les membres suivants :

  • A default export: the constructor function for the plugin.
  • Named exports: the static methods called before plugins are initialized.

Plugin constructor

The plugin module's default export is a constructor function with the signature (context: LoadContext, options: PluginOptions) => Plugin | Promise<Plugin>.


context is plugin-agnostic, and the same object will be passed into all plugins used for a Docusaurus website. The context object contains the following fields:

type LoadContext = {
siteDir: string;
generatedFilesDir: string;
siteConfig: DocusaurusConfig;
outDir: string;
baseUrl: string;


options are the second optional parameter when the plugins are used. options are plugin-specific and are specified by users when they use them in docusaurus.config.js. If there's a validateOptions function exported, the options will be validated and normalized beforehand.

En revanche, si un preset contient le plugin, le preset se chargera alors de passer les bonnes options au plugin. Il appartient au plugin de définir les options qu'il prend.


Voici un modèle de pensée pour une implémentation présumée d'un plugin.

// A JavaScript function that returns an object.
// `context` is provided by Docusaurus. Example: siteConfig can be accessed from context.
// `opts` is the user-defined options.
export default async function myPlugin(context, opts) {
return {
// A compulsory field used as the namespace for directories to cache
// the intermediate data for each plugin.
// If you're writing your own local plugin, you will want it to
// be unique in order not to potentially conflict with imported plugins.
// A good way will be to add your own project name within.
name: 'docusaurus-my-project-cool-plugin',

async loadContent() {
// The loadContent hook is executed after siteConfig and env has been loaded.
// You can return a JavaScript object that will be passed to contentLoaded hook.

async contentLoaded({content, actions}) {
// The contentLoaded hook is done after loadContent hook is done.
// `actions` are set of functional API provided by Docusaurus (e.g. addRoute)

async postBuild(props) {
// After docusaurus <build> finish.

async postStart(props) {
// docusaurus <start> finish

afterDevServer(app, server) {

beforeDevServer(app, server) {

configureWebpack(config, isServer, utils, content) {
// Modify internal webpack config. If returned value is an Object, it
// will be merged into the final config using webpack-merge;
// If the returned value is a function, it will receive the config as the 1st argument and an isServer flag as the 2nd argument.

getPathsToWatch() {
// Paths to watch.

getThemePath() {
// Returns the path to the directory where the theme components can
// be found.

getClientModules() {
// Return an array of paths to the modules that are to be imported
// in the client bundle. These modules are imported globally before
// React even renders the initial UI.

extendCli(cli) {
// Register an extra command to enhance the CLI of Docusaurus

injectHtmlTags({content}) {
// Inject head and/or body HTML tags.

async getTranslationFiles({content}) {
// Return translation files

translateContent({content, translationFiles}) {
// translate the plugin content here

translateThemeConfig({themeConfig, translationFiles}) {
// translate the site themeConfig here

async getDefaultCodeTranslationMessages() {
// return default theme translations here

export function validateOptions({options, validate}) {
const validatedOptions = validate(myValidationSchema, options);
return validatedOptions;

export function validateThemeConfig({themeConfig, validate}) {
const validatedThemeConfig = validate(myValidationSchema, options);
return validatedThemeConfig;