
Docusaurus 2.1

· 阅读需 2 分钟
Sébastien Lorber

我们很高兴地宣布 Docusaurus 2.1 终于发布,这是我们的第一个次要版本。

The upgrade should be easy: as explained in our release process documentation, minor versions respect Semantic Versioning.

Docusaurus 2.1 social card


DocCardList improvements

In #8008, we simplified the usage of the<DocCardList> component, that is notably used on sidebar category generated index pages.

The items prop is now optional, and will be automatically inferred from the content of the parent sidebar category:

import DocCardList from '@theme/DocCardList';
- import {useCurrentSidebarCategory} from '@docusaurus/theme-common';

- <DocCardList items={useCurrentSidebarCategory().items}/>
+ <DocCardList/>

Also, we made it possible to use it on any document, including regular docs not linked to any sidebar category.

simplified DocCardList component

noindex improvements

We improved the support of the noindex meta robots directive, a way to signal search engines you don't want a specific page to be indexed.

In #7963, we allow noindex to be configured on a per-docs-version basis.

Use the following plugin options to tell crawlers you don't want the 1.0.0 version to be indexed:

const options = {
versions: {
'1.0.0': {
noIndex: true,

In practice, Docusaurus will add the following meta to each page of that version:

<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />

In #7964, we also fixed a bug where the sitemap plugin would still contain pages that have a noindex directive. Now the sitemap plugin will reliably filter out all the pages containing noindex directives.

Overriding default meta tags

In #7952, it becomes possible to override default html meta tags you couldn't before:

{siteConfig.noIndex && <meta name="robots" content="nofollow, noindex" />}
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />

It is now possible to use <Head> or themeConfig.metadata:

  • to override the viewport meta
  • to override the robots meta: you could mark your site as noIndex, but except for specific pages that should be indexed


In #7953, we added default classic theme translations for the Ukrainian language.


查看 2.1.0 更新日志 以获取详尽的更改列表。