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Docusaurus 在 2021 一年中进展神速! 我们获得了许多支持,在 GitHub 上刚刚超过了 3 万星

We've reached full feature parity with v1 after the release of internationalization, announced our first beta, and welcomed significantly more users this year.

正式的 v2 版本发布马上就要来了! 要获取最新消息,你可以关注这个路线图 issue

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Sébastien Lorber

2020 年对 Docusaurus 来说是伟大的一年,尽管开篇令人遗憾,并且对每个人来说都是动荡的一年。

我们不断对 Docusaurus 2 做出改良,其功能特性可与 Docusaurus 1 等量齐观

我们现在推荐您在新 Docusaurus 项目中使用 Docusaurus 2,同时鼓励 v1 版本的用户进行更新

我们仍然处于 alpha 阶段,但马上就要有好消息了!

Three Docusaurus plushies laid side-by-side on the table

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Yangshun Tay

2019 was a great year for Docusaurus - we've made tremendous progress on Docusaurus 2. Current Docusaurus 1 users who aren't using the translations feature can feel free to check it out and migrate to it! Otherwise we will work with you to make that happen in 2020 :)