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유용한 자료

도큐사우루스 커뮤니티에서 진행하는 프로젝트 중 유용한 자료를 모아놓았습니다.

Community documentation

The Docusaurus.community site extends the official docs with more complex examples and full articles that recommend best practices and provide solutions to common problems.

It is also a full Docusaurus application just like our main site, so customization and experimentation examples are perfectly suited to be hosted there.


We might allow direct links to be added in our official documentation that point to the community documentation, on a case-by-case basis, if the community finds such links to articles useful.

We are also contemplating further integration into the official documentation at some point in the future.




쇼케이스를 확인하세요.

커뮤니티 플러그인

연계 기능

주요 기능

주요 사용 기업

  • 페이스북
  • 구글
  • 스트라이프(Stripe)
  • 알골리아(Algolia)
  • 콜스택(Callstack)
  • 소스 랩(Sauce Labs)