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도큐사우루스 팀

도큐사우루스 팀은 코어 기능, 클래식 테마를 위한 플러그인, 도큐사우루스 문서 웹 사이트를 만듭니다.

현재 도큐사우루스 팀원을 아래에 알파벳순으로 나열했습니다.

Alexey Pyltsyn's avatar

Alexey Pyltsyn

Obsessed open-source enthusiast 👋 Eternal amateur at everything 🤷‍♂️ Maintainer of Russian docs on PHP, React, Kubernetes and much more 🧐
Joel Marcey's avatar

Joel Marcey

Docusaurus founder and now ever grateful Docusaurus cheerleader to those who actually write code for it.
Sébastien Lorber's avatar

Sébastien Lorber

React lover since 2014. Freelance, helping Facebook ship Docusaurus v2. He writes regularly, on his website and Dev.to.
Sida Chen's avatar

Sida Chen

Student from Shanghai, China. Enthusiastic open-source project creator, but never actually works hard on those projects he created.
Yangshun Tay's avatar

Yangshun Tay

Full Front End Stack developer who likes working on the Jamstack. Working on Docusaurus made him Facebook's unofficial part-time Open Source webmaster, which is an awesome role to be in.

고마운 분들

지금은 좀 더 크고 멋진 일을 하기 위해 떠나 있지만 지금의 도큐사우루스를 만들기 위해 많은 기여를 해준 분들입니다.

Endilie Yacop Sucipto's avatar

Endilie Yacop Sucipto

Maintainer @docusaurus · 🔥🔥🔥
Wei Gao's avatar

Wei Gao

🏻‍🌾 Work in progress React developer, maintains Docusaurus, writes docs and spams this world with many websites.

작업에 참여한 학생들

인턴이나 Major League Hacking Fellowship program을 통해 도큐사우루스의 플러그인 옵션 정합성, 도구 통합, 부트스트랩 테마 등의 작업에 공헌한 학생들입니다.

Anshul Goyal's avatar

Anshul Goyal

Fullstack developer who loves to code and try new technologies. In his free time, he contributes to open source, writes blog posts on his website and watches Anime.
Drew Alexander's avatar

Drew Alexander

Developer and Creative, trying to gain the skills to build whatever he can think of.
Fanny Vieira's avatar

Fanny Vieira

Fanny got started with web development in high school, building a project for the school kitchen. In her free time she loves contributing to Open Source, occasionally writing on her blog about her experiences, cooking, and creating Spotify playlists.
Sam Zhou's avatar

Sam Zhou

Sam started programming in 2011 and built his website in 2015. He is interested in programming languages, dev infra and web development, and has built his own programming language and mini React.
Tan Teik Jun's avatar

Tan Teik Jun

Open-source enthusiast who aims to become as awesome as the other humans on this page. Working on Docusaurus brought him closer to his goal. 🌱
Nisarag Bhatt's avatar

Nisarag Bhatt

Fullstack web developer who loves learning new technologies and applying them! Loves contributing to open source as well as writing content articles and tutorials.

감사의 글

도큐사우루스는 조엘 마시(Joel Marcey)가 시작한 프로젝트입니다. 이제는 수 백명의 오픈 소스 기여자들이 도큐사우루스에 참여하고 있습니다. 지난 몇 년동안 도큐사우루스 개발과 문서화, 유지관리에 공헌한 이들에게 감사드립니다.