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Version: Canary 🚧



Refer to the Getting Started Configuration for examples.

Visão Geral

docusaurus.config.js contém configurações para o seu site e é colocado no diretório raiz do seu site.

This file is run in Node.js and should export a site configuration object, or a function that creates it.

The docusaurus.config.js file supports:



export default {
title: 'Docusaurus',
url: 'https://docusaurus.io',
// your site config ...
export default async function createConfigAsync() {
return {
title: 'Docusaurus',
url: 'https://docusaurus.io',
// your site config ...

Refer to Syntax to declare docusaurus.config.js for a more exhaustive list of examples and explanations.

Campos obrigatórios


  • Tipo: string

Título para o seu site. Will be used in metadata and as browser tab title.

export default {
title: 'Docusaurus',


  • Tipo: string

URL para o seu site. Isso também pode ser considerado o hostname de nível superior. Por exemplo, https://facebook.github.io é a URL de https://facebook.github.io/metro/, e https://docusaurus.io é a URL de https://docusaurus.io. This field is related to the baseUrl field.

export default {
url: 'https://docusaurus.io',


  • Tipo: string

URL base do seu site. Can be considered as the path after the host. For example, /metro/ is the base URL of https://facebook.github.io/metro/. Para URLs que não possuem caminho, a baseUrl deve ser definida como /. This field is related to the url field. Always has both leading and trailing slash.

export default {
baseUrl: '/',

Campos opcionais


  • Tipo: string | undefined

Path to your site favicon; must be a URL that can be used in link's href. For example, if your favicon is in static/img/favicon.ico:

export default {
favicon: '/img/favicon.ico',


  • Tipo: boolean | undefined

Permite personalizar a presença/ausência de uma barra no final das URLs/links e como os arquivos HTML estáticos são gerados:

  • undefined (padrão): mantém os URLs inalterados e emite /docs/myDoc/index.html para /docs/myDoc.md
  • true: adiciona barras finais a URLs/links e emite /docs/myDoc/index.html para /docs/myDoc.md
  • false: remove barras finais de URLs/links e emite /docs/myDoc.html para /docs/myDoc.md

Each static hosting provider serves static files differently (this behavior may even change over time).

Consulte o guia de implantação e slorber/trailing-slash-guide para escolher a configuração apropriada.


  • Tipo: Objeto

The i18n configuration object to localize your site.


export default {
i18n: {
defaultLocale: 'en',
locales: ['en', 'fa'],
path: 'i18n',
localeConfigs: {
en: {
label: 'English',
direction: 'ltr',
htmlLang: 'en-US',
calendar: 'gregory',
path: 'en',
fa: {
label: 'فارسی',
direction: 'rtl',
htmlLang: 'fa-IR',
calendar: 'persian',
path: 'fa',
  • defaultLocale: The locale that (1) does not have its name in the base URL (2) gets started with docusaurus start without --locale option (3) will be used for the <link hrefLang="x-default"> tag
  • locales: List of locales deployed on your site. Must contain defaultLocale.
  • path: Root folder which all locale folders are relative to. Can be absolute or relative to the config file. Defaults to i18n.
  • localeConfigs: Individual options for each locale.
    • label: The label displayed for this locale in the locales dropdown.
    • direction: ltr (default) or rtl (for right-to-left languages like Farsi, Arabic, Hebrew, etc.). Used to select the locale's CSS and HTML meta attribute.
    • htmlLang: BCP 47 language tag to use in <html lang="..."> (or any other DOM tag name) and in <link ... hreflang="...">
    • calendar: the calendar used to calculate the date era. Note that it doesn't control the actual string displayed: MM/DD/YYYY and DD/MM/YYYY are both gregory. To choose the format (DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY), set your locale name to en-GB or en-US (en means en-US).
    • path: Root folder that all plugin localization folders of this locale are relative to. Will be resolved against i18n.path. Defaults to the locale's name. Note: this has no effect on the locale's baseUrl—customization of base URL is a work-in-progress.


  • Tipo: boolean

This option adds <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"> to every page to tell search engines to avoid indexing your site (more information here).


export default {
noIndex: true, // Defaults to `false`
  • Type: 'ignore' | 'log' | 'warn' | 'throw'

The behavior of Docusaurus when it detects any broken link.

Por padrão, ele lança um erro, para garantir que você nunca navegue qualquer link quebrado, mas você pode reduzir essa segurança se necessário.


A detecção quebrada de links só está disponível para uma compilação de produção (docusaurus build).

  • Type: 'ignore' | 'log' | 'warn' | 'throw'

The behavior of Docusaurus when it detects any broken Markdown link.

By default, it prints a warning, to let you know about your broken Markdown link, but you can change this security if needed.


  • Type: 'ignore' | 'log' | 'warn' | 'throw'

The behavior of Docusaurus when it detects any duplicate routes.

Por padrão, ele exibe um aviso após você executar yarn start ou yarn build.


  • Tipo: string

A tagline para o seu site.

export default {
'Docusaurus makes it easy to maintain Open Source documentation websites.',


  • Tipo: string

O usuário ou organização proprietária do repositório. You don't need this if you are not using the docusaurus deploy command.

export default {
// Docusaurus' organization is facebook
organizationName: 'facebook',


  • Tipo: string

O nome do repositório do GitHub. You don't need this if you are not using the docusaurus deploy command.

export default {
projectName: 'docusaurus',


  • Tipo: string

The name of the branch to deploy the static files to. You don't need this if you are not using the docusaurus deploy command.

export default {
deploymentBranch: 'gh-pages',


  • Tipo: string

O hostname do seu servidor. Útil se você estiver usando o GitHub Enterprise. You don't need this if you are not using the docusaurus deploy command.

export default {
githubHost: 'github.com',


  • Tipo: string

A porta do seu servidor. Útil se você estiver usando o GitHub Enterprise. You don't need this if you are not using the docusaurus deploy command.

export default {
githubPort: '22',


  • Tipo: Objeto

The theme configuration object to customize your site UI like navbar and footer.


export default {
themeConfig: {
docs: {
sidebar: {
hideable: false,
autoCollapseCategories: false,
colorMode: {
defaultMode: 'light',
disableSwitch: false,
respectPrefersColorScheme: true,
navbar: {
title: 'Site Title',
logo: {
alt: 'Site Logo',
src: 'img/logo.svg',
width: 32,
height: 32,
items: [
to: 'docs/docusaurus.config.js',
activeBasePath: 'docs',
label: 'docusaurus.config.js',
position: 'left',
// ... other links
footer: {
style: 'dark',
links: [
title: 'Docs',
items: [
label: 'Docs',
to: 'docs/doc1',
// ... other links
logo: {
alt: 'Meta Open Source Logo',
src: 'img/meta_oss_logo.png',
href: 'https://opensource.fb.com',
width: 160,
height: 51,
copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} Facebook, Inc.`, // You can also put own HTML here


  • Type: PluginConfig[]
type PluginConfig = string | [string, any] | PluginModule | [PluginModule, any];

See plugin method references for the shape of a PluginModule.

export default {
plugins: [
['docusuarus-plugin-confetti', {fancy: false}],
() => ({
postBuild() {
console.log('Build finished');


  • Type: PluginConfig[]
export default {
themes: ['@docusaurus/theme-classic'],


  • Type: PresetConfig[]
type PresetConfig = string | [string, any];
export default {
presets: [],


The global Docusaurus Markdown config.

  • Type: MarkdownConfig
type MarkdownPreprocessor = (args: {
filePath: string;
fileContent: string;
}) => string;

type MDX1CompatOptions =
| boolean
| {
comments: boolean;
admonitions: boolean;
headingIds: boolean;

type MarkdownConfig = {
format: 'mdx' | 'md' | 'detect';
mermaid: boolean;
preprocessor?: MarkdownPreprocessor;
mdx1Compat: MDX1CompatOptions;


export default {
markdown: {
format: 'mdx',
mermaid: true,
preprocessor: ({filePath, fileContent}) => {
return fileContent.replaceAll('{{MY_VAR}}', 'MY_VALUE');
mdx1Compat: {
comments: true,
admonitions: true,
headingIds: true,
format'mdx' | 'md' | 'detect''mdx'The default parser format to use for Markdown content. Using 'detect' will select the appropriate format automatically based on file extensions: .md vs .mdx.
mermaidbooleanfalseWhen true, allows Docusaurus to render Markdown code blocks with mermaid language as Mermaid diagrams.
preprocessorMarkdownPreprocessorundefinedGives you the ability to alter the Markdown content string before parsing. Use it as a last-resort escape hatch or workaround: it is almost always better to implement a Remark/Rehype plugin.
mdx1CompatMDX1CompatOptions{comments: true, admonitions: true, headingIds: true}Compatibility options to make it easier to upgrade to Docusaurus v3+.


Docusaurus guards docusaurus.config.js from unknown fields. To add a custom field, define it on customFields.

  • Tipo: Objeto
export default {
customFields: {
admin: 'endi',
superman: 'lol',

Attempting to add unknown fields in the config will lead to errors during build time:

Error: The field(s) 'foo', 'bar' are not recognized in docusaurus.config.js


An array of paths, relative to the site's directory or absolute. Files under these paths will be copied to the build output as-is.

  • Type: string[]


export default {
staticDirectories: ['static'],


An array of tags that will be inserted in the HTML <head>. The values must be objects that contain two properties; tagName and attributes. tagName must be a string that determines the tag being created; eg "link". attributes must be an attribute-value map.

  • Type: { tagName: string; attributes: Object; }[]


export default {
headTags: [
tagName: 'link',
attributes: {
rel: 'icon',
href: '/img/docusaurus.png',

This would become <link rel="icon" href="img/docusaurus.png" /> in the generated HTML.


Uma array de scripts para carregar. The values can be either strings or plain objects of attribute-value maps. Os <script> marcadores serão inseridos no HTML <head>. If you use a plain object, the only required attribute is src, and any other attributes are permitted (each one should have boolean/string values).

Note that <script> added here are render-blocking, so you might want to add async: true/defer: true to the objects.

  • Type: (string | Object)[]


export default {
scripts: [
// String format.
// Object format.
src: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/clipboard.js/2.0.0/clipboard.min.js',
async: true,


Uma matriz de fontes CSS a carregar. The values can be either strings or plain objects of attribute-value maps. Os <link> marcadores serão inseridos no HTML <head>. If you use an object, the only required attribute is href, and any other attributes are permitted (each one should have boolean/string values).

  • Type: (string | Object)[]


export default {
stylesheets: [
// String format.
// Object format.
href: 'http://mydomain.com/style.css',

By default, the <link> tags will have rel="stylesheet", but you can explicitly add a custom rel value to inject any kind of <link> tag, not necessarily stylesheets.


An array of client modules to load globally on your site.


export default {
clientModules: ['./mySiteGlobalJs.js', './mySiteGlobalCss.css'],


Um template HTML escrito na sintaxe Eta que será usado para renderizar sua aplicação. Isto pode ser usado para definir atributos personalizados nas tags body tags, additional meta personalizar a viewport, etc. Please note that Docusaurus will rely on the template to be correctly structured in order to function properly, once you do customize it, you will have to make sure that your template is compliant with the requirements from upstream.

  • Tipo: string


export default {
ssrTemplate: `<!DOCTYPE html>
<html <%~ it.htmlAttributes %>>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="generator" content="Docusaurus v<%= it.version %>">
<% it.metaAttributes.forEach((metaAttribute) => { %>
<%~ metaAttribute %>
<% }); %>
<%~ it.headTags %>
<% it.stylesheets.forEach((stylesheet) => { %>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= it.baseUrl %><%= stylesheet %>" />
<% }); %>
<% it.scripts.forEach((script) => { %>
<link rel="preload" href="<%= it.baseUrl %><%= script %>" as="script">
<% }); %>
<body <%~ it.bodyAttributes %>>
<%~ it.preBodyTags %>
<div id="__docusaurus">
<%~ it.appHtml %>
<% it.scripts.forEach((script) => { %>
<script src="<%= it.baseUrl %><%= script %>"></script>
<% }); %>
<%~ it.postBodyTags %>


  • Tipo: string

Will be used as title delimiter in the generated <title> tag.


export default {
titleDelimiter: '🦖', // Defaults to `|`


  • Tipo: boolean

Quando ativado, irá mostrar um banner caso seu site não consiga carregar seus arquivos CSS ou JavaScript. que é um problema muito comum, geralmente relacionado a um baseUrl errado na configuração do site.


export default {
baseUrlIssueBanner: true, // Defaults to `true`

A sample base URL issue banner. The style is very raw since the stylesheets failed to load. The text says &quot;Your Docusaurus site did not load properly... Current configured baseUrl = / (default value); We suggest trying baseUrl = /build/


This banner needs to inline CSS / JS in case all asset loading fails due to wrong base URL.

Se você tiver uma Política de Segurança de Conteúdorigorosa, você deve desativá-la.