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Rutik Wankhade
Bartosz Kaszubowski
Sébastien Lorber
Thad Guidry

🚀 New Feature

  • docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #3432 feat(v2): add style property to theme-classic navbar (@Simek)
    • #3406 feat(v2): ability to add/override theme html metadatas (@slorber)
  • docusaurus-plugin-sitemap
    • #3426 feat(v2): add option to add trailing slash to urls in sitemap (@mpsq)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • Other
    • #3438 fix(v2): docusaurus 2 PWA should work under baseurl (deploy previews) (@slorber)
  • docusaurus-mdx-loader
  • docusaurus-plugin-pwa
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #3433 fix(v2): fix theme-classic announcement bar closeable style (@Simek)
  • docusaurus-1.x
    • #3429 fix(v1): versioned_docs and skip-next-release relative path issue (@josephMG)
  • docusaurus-theme-bootstrap, docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #3418 fix(v2): reset sidebar state on sidebar changes (@slorber)
  • docusaurus-plugin-debug
    • #3405 fix(v2): fix debug plugin unscoped inline code global css (@slorber)

📝 Documentation

🏠 Internal

  • docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-plugin-content-pages, docusaurus-plugin-ideal-image, docusaurus-plugin-pwa, docusaurus
    • #3439 chore(v2): fix serialize-javascript security issue by upgrading webpack/workbox (@slorber)
  • Other

Committers: 7