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Adnan Hashmi
Johan Fagerberg
Mikey O'Toole
Jeferson S. Brito
John Reilly
Joshua Chen
Jan Peer Stöcklmair

🚀 New Feature

  • docusaurus-plugin-client-redirects
    • #8227 feat(plugin-client-redirects): keep the query string + hash (@Xabilahu)
  • docusaurus
    • #8210 feat(core): add --config param to swizzle command (@e-im)
  • docusaurus-mdx-loader, docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-plugin-content-pages, docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-mermaid, docusaurus-types, docusaurus
    • #7490 feat: support mermaid code blocks in Markdown (@sjwall)
  • docusaurus-types, docusaurus
    • #8151 feat(core): siteConfig.headTags API to render extra tags in document head (@johnnyreilly)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • docusaurus-plugin-ideal-image
    • #8250 fix(ideal-image): do not pass down img prop (@lex111)
  • docusaurus-theme-common
    • #8246 fix(mdx-loader): properly unwrap mdxAdmonitionTitle placeholder (@Josh-Cena)
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-docs
    • #8234 fix(plugin-content-docs): fix error message context (error cause) when doc processing fails (@shanpriyan)
  • docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-translations
    • #8207 fix(theme-classic): hamburger menu control navigation by keyboard (@jeferson-sb)
  • docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-common
    • #8204 fix(theme-classic): fix SkipToContent without JS , refactor, make it public theming API (@mturoci)
    • #8059 fix(theme): preserve url ?search#hash on navbar version/locale dropdowns navigations (@slorber)
  • docusaurus
    • #8192 fix(core): throw error for invalid URL in config file (@forgeRW)
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
  • docusaurus-utils
    • #8137 fix(utils): remove non-ASCII limitation for path normalization (@birjj)
    • #8158 fix(content-blog): make RSS feed generation work with slugs with .html extension (@Pranav2612000)
  • docusaurus-theme-translations
  • docusaurus-plugin-client-redirects
    • #8067 fix(redirect): tolerate trailing slash difference if config is undefined (@Josh-Cena)

💅 Polish

  • docusaurus-theme-translations
    • #8253 chore(theme-translations): complete ru translations (@lex111)
    • #8243 chore(theme-translations): complete French translations (@forresst)
    • #8075 fix(theme-translation): complete Japanese theme default translation (@pasora)
  • docusaurus
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #8161 fix(theme): do not show tab content when tabbing over it; show after selection only (@mturoci)
    • #8062 refactor(theme): remove hard-coded tag border-radius (@homotechsual)
  • docusaurus-utils-validation, docusaurus
    • #8066 fix(core): normalize slashes for url/baseUrl instead of throwing (@Josh-Cena)

Committers: 22